The Walking Dead

No pain, no gain. I feel like I now know what this means.
After a truly insane (and rewarding) pt session, I woke up the next morning walking around like a zombie. Stairs weren’t my friend at all, feeling every step with every lift and fall of the leg.

It’s now Monday and the thought of going ahead with an aerobics class terrified me. Having done one previously, I knew of the movement required. Pushing myself, I did it and strangely enough, I feel better for it! Maybe it’s all the ‘after-workout-good-feeling-hormones’ flying about, but the knowledge that I’m working towards a better body, motivates me.

Difficulties: Using my legs.
Rewards: Planning out the week, including fitness and food.

Day Seven

Almost a week has gone by since I began, and I’m starting to struggle with the college/gym/work/food balance – it’s as though my days have become shorter, and the infrequency of public transport doesn’t help either.

But then I find I do a work out and everything’s fine again – I remember why it’s worth the struggle of organizing each and every day.
– a good gym playlist helps a little too.

This week I’ve tried spinning (very sore behind) a banana & raspberry smoothie and made my first omelette (even if it did take two attempts). This coming week I’m hoping to fine tune my smoothie skills while aiming to hit my protein intake.

Difficulties: Making sure I get enough protein. Spinning.
Rewards: Finding out that listening to Fall Out Boy motivates me while working out. New found love of aerobics.

Day One.

Motivation. I need quite a bit of it. Usually found when you’re least expecting it, but found nonetheless.
I guess I should start with some of the motivational imagery I discovered via Pinterest;


This is now my phone’s lock screen. Every day, all day I see this. I haven’t yet needed it, but I have a feeling that when I start getting back into the gym, i’ll be glancing at it regularly.

Being probably the most impatient person ever, this just helps me know that I won’t see results overnight.
That it will take time.
Although results might not be as fast as the image is claiming, it still helps me to keep going.

And after the first full day of eating clean, doing a proper gym regime and gulping 2.5 liters of water, they were definitely needed!

Difficulties: having to go to the toilet every 5 minutes & the painful experience of the ‘fast abs’ class.
Rewards: Feeling full & fresh. The feel of my body working hard.

Bring on Day 2!